
Washington Heights Veterinary Clinic offers a full pharmacy for your convenience. Meaning, should your pet be prescribed a medication during their visit, it will likely be sent home with you at that time. Medications not regularly carried in our pharmacy may be special ordered, offered through our online pharmacy, or compounded by BCP Veterinary Pharmacy.

In addition to convenience, purchasing products through us guarantees that they come directly from the manufacturer. This ensures product authenticity and that proper transport and storage was followed to maintain product efficacy and quality. All heartworm and flea products purchased through Washington Heights Veterinary Clinic come with a manufacturer’s guarantee as do numerous medications and supplements available at our hospital.

Preventatives carried at our clinic:

Canine heartworm prevention

  • ProHeart12: a once yearly injection that prevents heartworm disease in dogs.
  • Proheart6: a twice-yearly injection that prevents heartworm disease in dogs.
  • Heartgard Plus: a chewable given every 30 days for the prevention of heartworms, roundworms, and hookworms.
  • Advantage Multi: a topical solution applied every 30 days for the prevention of heartworms, fleas, and ticks.
  • Trifexis: a chewable tablet given every 30 days for the prevention of heartworms, fleas, roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms.
  • Additional canine heartworm prevention products may be ordered through our online pharmacy.

proheart heartgard advantage triflexis

Canine flea and tick prevention

  • Simparica: a chewable tablet given every 30 days for flea prevention
  • Nexgard: a chewable given every 30 days for flea prevention
  • Bravecto: a chewable given every 90 days for flea prevention


Feline heartworm prevention

  • Revolution Plus: A topical solution applied every 30 days for the prevention of heartworms, fleas, ticks, ear mites, roundworms, and hookworms.


Refill your prescription at our onsite pharmacy at the clinic here


Refill your prescription at our online store here